Providing the Best
Service Since 1944
With 80 years of experience behind us , The Murray Insurance Agency is the top choice for people looking for comprehensive coverage options in our local community.
We are your trusted independent insurance agency. Whether it’s your business or your family, when it comes to your insurance you deserve clarity, transparency, simplicity, and peace of mind.
Our History

The Murray Insurance Agency started as a vision and an opportunity for two brothers. Owen Billington, an entrepreneur and Guy Billington, an educator, were approached by long time Murray businessman Ernest Jones with a proposition to buy The Jones Insurance Agency. In 1944, as the Allies were freeing France from the Germans in World War 2, Owen and Guy Billington bought the Jones Agency and renamed the business, The Murray Insurance Agency.
Under their leadership, they created a culture of honesty, integrity, professionalism and friendliness that still stands today. They grew as Murray and Calloway County grew. They knew that this business was not a short term endeavor but a multi generation business designed to serve and assist the people of this region. Over the years, the agency has employed friends and family while protecting friends and family. Those family included on that list are Owen’s daughter Mary Billington Shipley and her husband Dan Shipley as well as Guy’s son, Bob Billington, Guy’s daughter, Anna Ruth Billington Harris and Guy’s grandson Robert Billington Jr. The number of friends and neighbors that have work at the agency over the years are too numerous to count but we would be remiss if we did not mention Ann White Thompson who served in the agency for over 40 years. Ann left her mark on all those she worked with. Her honesty and character still echo in the office today. Needless to say we strive to serve like Ann.
Bob Billington, the longest tenured agent and known affectionately as “The Knowledgeable”, has left a legacy as an “Insurance Gentleman”. Those he has worked with as clients and as insurance company representatives have all recognized Bob for his insurance intellect, honesty and character. He set the stage for the next generation by being an example of how one should treat others as one would like to be treated. He still roams the office making sure that we have not forgotten the old ways where human interaction is paramount to technology. As he would say, “it is all about relationship”. We strive every day to continue to serve our clients above and beyond as Bob did. This brings us to the modern era with Jason Billington, Bob’s son, and John Nix Purdom, the kid from across the street, taking the reins of The Murray Insurance Agency. We remember the past whilst striving for the future. We know that relationship is paramount. It is about people. The people we serve, the people we work with and the people we are not yet blessed to serve. Knowing these to be true, we strive to create a friendly, helpful culture that allows our clients the ability to do the things they want to do and leave the worry about risk up to us.
What does the next generation hold? You will have to ask Chandler Purdom and Jonathan Carter, John’s daughter and Jason’s son. If early indications prove accurate, we are confident that the future is bright at The Murray Insurance Agency. So we welcome you to come and experience the sales and service that has taken 3 generations to create and is constantly looking to improve. Furthermore, thanks to all those friends and neighbors that have given us the opportunity to serve them and to hopefully serve them better in the future.
We strive to help people like you with all of your insurance needs all in one place! We offer bonds and various insurances that include: Automobile, Homeowners/Renters, Business/Commercial, Farm, Boat, Motorcycle/ATV, Life, Health, Mobile home, and Motor home.